2017 Strategic Plan
Originally published February 2017
As might already know, the Medway Community Forest Cooperative was originally established as a pilot project agreement with the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources in 2015. The terms of our agreement outlined a 3-year pilot phase, where the MCFC would meet specific evaluation criteria that would address the key areas in which the MCFC aimed to focus on through innovative, multi-value forest management. Those areas include; local governance, local economic benefits, stewardship capacity, management for multiple values, and environmental quality, and are in addition to the ability for the MCFC to sustain economic self-sufficiency.
Believe it or not, January 31st, 2017 marked the MCFC's transition into the final year of the pilot phase. With this, staff and board members assembled a strategic plan to guide the way in achieving our goals for the year ahead and filling in the gaps that are currently open in our evaluation criteria. Although the broad goals may seem very ambitious, we're confident we can use last year of the pilot phase to determine our priorities and the feasibility of objectives we laid out prior to the inauguration of the pilot project.
Moving forward into 2017, we're at an important crossroads for the MCFC both in determining if the project is feasible in the long-term, and if our current structure is realistic in today's struggling timber markets. Either way, we're looking forward to pushing forward new and innovative approaches to Crown land management in the year to come and realizing the true potential of multi-value forestry.
Take a look at our 2017 Strategic Plan through the link below: