News from the MCFC
Medway Community Forest Co-op Celebrates 10 Years of Sustainable Forest Management
The Medway Community Forest Co-op (MCFC) is proud to celebrate its 10th anniversary, marking a decade of leadership in ecological forestry and community-driven forest management in Nova Scotia.
Harvest Blocks Open for Comment - December 2024
As of December 23rd, we have new harvest blocks available for comment on the province’s Harvest Plan Map Viewer (HPMV). They will be open until Sunday, February 2, 2025, and we encourage our members and the community to provide feedback. If you’re not sure where to find our license area in the viewer, we are located in Annapolis County, nestled between the Medway Lakes Protected Area, the Tobeatic Wilderness Area, and Kejimkujik National Park and Historic Site.
Fall Newsletter 2024
The weather in September and October was fantastic for working outside, and we made the most of it, focusing our efforts on harvest and silviculture planning. Throughout 2024 we have been working towards adding to our list of approved harvests to have more flexibility with implementing operations.
Summer Newsletter 2024
Summer is a time for operational planning and preparation as we observe a pause in all active operations in respect of bird breeding season. As the fall approaches, we are preparing to return to the Northfield area of the Community Forest to complete three harvests; a group selection that was partially completed in the winter, a single-tree selection and a second entry expanding gap group selection harvest that was first initiated by Bowater in 2010.
Spring Newsletter 2024
Spring is here, the buds are breaking and there are lots of exciting updates from the Medway Community Forest Cooperative as our staff team continues to grow for the summer season!
Winter Newsletter 2023
Greetings from the Community Forest! With few opportunities to get out for a ski, snowshoe, or lake skate this winter… we hope you’ve been staying warm by a crackling fire and are enjoying the days growing longer. The sugar maple taps have begun to flow and warmer weather on its way. We have a few updates to share as we’re back to negotiating for a long-term license agreement and preparing for some exciting spring projects and growth.
Fall Newsletter 2023
We finished 2023 on a high note after a huge year with some significant changes. Overall, 2023 was a whirlwind, with the launch of our Hemlock Conservation Initiative, new species at risk detections, and rapid growth of our affiliate organization, the NS Working Woodlands Trust.
Spring Newsletter 2023
Join us for our Annual General Meeting on Saturday, May 27th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Maitland Bridge Community Hall!
We have lots to discuss including updates to operations and new research. The event with feature a special guest presentation by Melissa Labrador and a tour of the Stave Lake Campground & Trails. Coffee, snacks and lunch will be provided! …
Winter Newsletter 2023
With winter behind us, we hope you enjoy as the days grow longer, the forests wake up again, and migratory birds return from their journeys south. The sugar maple taps are flowing and warmer weather is on its way! We have a few updates to share as we’re back to negotiating for a long-term license agreement and preparing for some exciting spring projects and growth….
Fall Newsletter 2022
Sharing on update on a few partnerships and projects, with Hemlock Woolly Adelgid treatments underway and trials for at-risk bird best management. Transitioning into fall, our seasonal operational restrictions for birds and species-at-risk (SAR) have lifted and forest operations resume on the MCFC license area…
Harvest Block Open for Comment - November 2022
We have a new harvest block up for comment on the Province’s Harvest Plan Map Viewer (HPMV). It will be open for comment until December 10th, and we encourage our members and members of the community to provide feedback.
Summer Newsletter 2022
Here at the Community Forest, we’re celebrating a fun summer of community gathering and events, exciting ongoing research, and are looking forward to harvest operations getting going again. We hope you’re enjoying a summer of forest walks, birding, campfires, or camping out…
Spring Newsletter 2022
With warm weather here, flowers in bloom and songbirds returning, spring is in full swing! At the Community Forest we’ve undergone a staffing transition we’ll share an update on, we began 2022 operations and now have paused for our Singing Season, and are looking forward to summer events with you!
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) on Privately Stewarded Lands in NS
Attention Nova Scotians who consider hemlock a part of your life – whether it’s around your home, cottage, on your woodlot, a part of an ecotourism business – we need to hear from you! MCFC hosted a public session (March 3rd, 2022) for Nova Scotians to share their concerns and questions regarding…
Winter Newsletter 2022
What a winter we’re having – a great time for cross-country skiing through the woods, birding along the Medway River and staying warm by the woodstove. It’s about that time to think about tapping for sap and welcoming warmer days….
Graduate-Level Research Internship
We’re taking applications for a summer intern to help advance our research objectives. The internship entails both GIS work and field work, studying forest stand complexities and effects of management on habitat suitability and bird species abundance.
Trail Construction Tender
The MCFC is seeking to procure trail construction for the development of a network of accessible and footpath-style trails in the Stave Lake region of the MCFC license area, between Maitland Bridge and South Milford in Annapolis Co.
Fall Newsletter 2021
We hope that you have enjoyed the beautiful weather and changing colours this fall. We’re finally winding down from the busy summer of long days, community events, and field work. We have some exciting updates to share with…
Fundraising to save Hemlock trees in the Sporting Lake Nature Reserve
Support the Hemlock Conservation-Nova Scotia team to treat hemlock trees from Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA), an invasive aphid-like insect that threatens hemlock trees in North America…
Summer Newsletter 2021
Here at the MCFC we’re celebrating a fun summer of community events, workshops, and the frequent rainfall leading to plenty of wild food foraging - berries and mushrooms galore! While grey rainy Nova Scotian days aren’t always the cheeriest, the drought we…