Trail Construction Tender

The MCFC is seeking to procure trail construction for the development of a network of accessible and footpath-style trails in the Stave Lake region of the MCFC license area, between Maitland Bridge and South Milford in Annapolis Co. The MCFC signed a Letter of Authority with the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (then Lands and Forestry) in 2020 and are fully approved to begin construction as soon as possible. The trail network will provide recreational amenities to the public and users of the MCFC campground, which will be constructed in the area at a later date.

The site offers a plethora of landscape features including unique water and rock formations encompassed within a diverse old growth Acadian forest. The trail extends through a mature, mid-successional mixedwood stand of white pine, red and black spruce, balsam fir, white and yellow birch, and red maple. The mixed age forest has a diversity of wildlife habitat attributes supporting an abundance of animals, understory vegetation, and fungi. The proximity to Lower Stave and Stave Lakes has the trail passing through low-lying wet areas between the lakes where a boardwalk will be required.

Proposals are due on January 19, 2022 and trail construction must be completed before December 31, 2022, full details can be found in the tender document below.

Check out the full tender document here

For further details such as shapefiles, please contact MCFC directly.


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