Graduate-Level Research Internship

We’re taking applications for a summer intern to help advance our research objectives. The internship entails both GIS work and field work, studying forest stand complexities and effects of management on habitat suitability and bird species abundance.


10-minute point count migratory breeding bird surveys - June 2021.


Position Overview: 

MCFC is interested in examining the effects of past intensive forest management on forest structure and bird communities, and to utilize beneficial management practices to promote habitat suitability and restore Wabanaki-Acadian Forest conditions. The Intern will assess upcoming harvest blocks for species at risk (SAR) bird habitat suitability and prioritize blocks to conduct point count surveys this spring. The intern will work with the MCFC Ecological Forestry Coordinator to conduct migratory breeding bird point-count surveys and assess coarse woody debris (CWD) volumes in permanent sample plots (PSPs) across the license area. A comparative of CWD from a baseline study conducted in 2019 to current day will be conducted, investigating the relationship with bird species and abundance from annual migratory breeding bird monitoring. The report will include an examination of how harvest prescriptions could be used to promote SAR bird habitat suitability and on anticipated bird responses to forest management in the ecological matrix.

Check out the full internship posting here.

Application deadline: February 18th, 2022


Winter Newsletter 2022


Trail Construction Tender