Our Mission and Objectives
We encourage those who support our mission and objectives to join the MCFC membership. Joining the MCFC allows members to have a say in the management of our crown land license area.
The mission of the Medway Community Forest Co-op is to support local communities through sustainable and ecologically based forest management. Specific objectives in meeting that vision are:
The Co-op will strive manage the forest resource to support economic stability in local communities;
The Co-op will aim for a high level of business innovation through new product development, startup ventures, and community investment;
All investments and activities should strive to leverage and build local capacity;
The forest land-base will be managed to maximize multiple economic, social, and environmental values
The forest land-base will be managed using ecologically based forest management to maintain, enhance, or restore healthy Acadian forest conditions;
The forest will be managed in full consideration of the larger landscape, including protected areas and high conservation values;
The organizational structure and planning processes are designed to cultivate community collaboration and consultation;
Governance structures will have a high level of accountability and transparency to the community and the Board of Director positions will be democratically elected from the open membership.