Crown and Carbon Report

Originally published June 2018

This past winter the Medway Community Forest commissioned a report done by several Master’s students from the Dalhousie Management Without Borders class to determine an effective policy model for the sale and management of carbon credits from MCFC lands.

The study focused on case studies on carbon credit programs from other provinces and countries, provided an analysis to determine the changes required to implement a carbon credit program in Nova Scotia, and provided recommendations for a course of action to establish a carbon offset market in NS.


The case studies examined in this report allowed us to learn from programs developed in other countries and provinces. These studies showed the range of ways that carbon offset agreements can be implemented, from conservation-based to working forest agreements. The studies gave examples of the importance of partnerships with experienced carbon project developers when starting up a new market, and the importance of partnering with, and working with Native groups in creating these projects.

The report also outlined the changes required to implement a carbon credit program in Nova Scotia. The government would need to be lobbied to change some of the language in three main Acts namely the Crown Lands Act, the Forests Act, and the Environment Act, to allow for a carbon credits market. The Cap and Trade Legislation that is currently under discussion would also have to be changed to allow for voluntary participation in the program. However, MCFC could be able to sell carbon credits internationally through the voluntary market. The voluntary market allows for companies to choose to decrease their emissions through purchasing carbon credits from organizations such as MCFC.

The Crown and Carbon Report finished by presenting MCFC with recommendations. The main recommendation was that MCFC develop a six-year pilot project that incorporates a forest carbon project into our Forest Utilization Licence Agreement. The recommendations also stressed the fact that language needs to be changed in the Crown Lands Act, the Forests Act, and the Environment Act in order to allow for a carbon offset market. It was also stressed that MCFC needs to have the terms “carbon rights” and “carbon offsets” added to our operational agreement with the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources (NSDNR). Finally, the report also recommended that MCFC concentrate on creating social capital by continuing to be involved in the community.

If you are interested in reading further, here is the link to the full Crown and Carbon Report


Summer Newsletter 2018


Winter Newsletter 2018