Request for Proposals - Forest Operations and Marketing

Request for Proposals - Building Efficiencies in Forest Operations and Marketing for the Medway Community Forest

Proposals Due: March 16, 2021 by 4:30 PM AST
Submission Details: Submit proposal documents to MCFC Executive Director, Mary Jane Rodger via email (


The Medway Community Forest Co-op (MCFC) is a for-profit cooperative based in Caledonia, Queens County, NS. In 2015, the MCFC was awarded a three-year pilot project by the Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry (the Department) to become the province’s first community forest Crown land area licensee. Today, the MCFC is underway with negotiating a long-term license agreement with the Department, which will help ready the organization for future investment and financing.

The mission of the MCFC is to support local communities through sustainable and ecologically based forest management. Fostering high-levels of accountability and public transparency, the MCFC aims to build economic growth while providing a wide array of opportunities for the local community. In the long-term, the MCFC hopes to generate sufficient profits to develop a community investment fund, where all profits will be reinvested in sustainable community and rural economic development projects.

The MCFC manages a 15,000 hectare area license in Annapolis Co. comprised of a variety of forest types, mostly represented by younger forests in early successional stages. During the pilot phase, the MCFC developed a comprehensive interim management plan that exemplifies ecological forestry practices and fosters the multiple values of our local community.

Within the pilot project agreement, MCFC was provided with an AAC of 21,000 tonnes, however considering our additional management objectives, our goal is to harvest 10,500 tonnes annually.

Over the past 6 years, the MCFC has experimented with a variety of stumpage sale models, new market opportunities and harvest practices. Through procuring consultant services we are looking for guidance to;

  1. develop a direct strategy to build harvesting capacity on the license area and;

  2. develop new or under-utilized market opportunities (both local and export) for our wood


The MCFC fosters a collaborative workplace and strongly encourages the successful consultant to leverage partnerships throughout Nova Scotia, the Maritimes and New England.

Check out the full RFP


Spring Newsletter 2021


Request for Proposals - Campground Construction