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Forestry Professional's Series: Migratory Birds and Forestry

The Forestry Professional's Series is part of our MCFC Summer Webinar series on ecologically-based forest management and forest stewardship. In this series, we share the valuable insight and practical knowledge of forestry practitioners, academics and professionals on sustainable forest management and take a deeper dive into these how these forestry practices can be applied.

Since 1996, Dr. Cindy Staicer has studied forest birds and their habitat in Nova Scotia. She helped establish several monitoring programs in Keji Park, trained a large number of students, interns, and volunteers, and led a number of research, monitoring, and stewardship projects. Her team has studied forest bird habitat associations in protected forest and working forest landscapes, the effects of riparian buffer width on forest birds, and high quality habitat for landbirds at risk in forested wetlands.  She serves on the Board of MRTI and helped organize several of its Science Conferences. She recently retired from Dalhousie University where she led the SEASIDE field course program and the Integated Science Program as well as taught courses in field ecology, biodiversity and conservation.

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July 7

Intro to the Forest Series: Backcountry for Beginners – The Safe and Sound Essentials

July 21

Intro to the Forest Series: Edible and Medicinal Plants - Increasing our Interaction with Nature