News from the MCFC
Harvest Blocks Open For Comment - August 2021
We have new harvest blocks up for comment on the Province’s Harvest Plan Map Viewer (HPMV). They will be open for comment until September 25th, and we encourage our members, and members of the community to provide feedback.
Spring Newsletter 2021
Spring ephemerals are popping up all over, migratory birds are returning, and deciduous trees are budding out… it’s an awe-inspiring time to be out exploring in the woods!
Request for Proposals - Forest Operations and Marketing
In efforts to build our operating capacity and market opportunities, we’re seeking proposals to research and analyze ways to help build efficiencies for MCFC harvest operations.
Request for Proposals - Campground Construction
An exciting new opportunity for the MCFC and the local community, we’re taking the next steps to start planning construction for our backcountry-style walk-in campground.
Winter Newsletter 2021
We hope you have been enjoying some snowy woods by snowshoe, ski, or sled and keeping warm by a crackling fire. The Medway Community Forest Co-op has been busy this winter wrapping up contract work assessing….
Fall Newsletter 2020
Can you believe that 2021 is just around the corner? We hope you’re all keeping healthy and taking advantage of the nice fall weather by getting out on a trail and exploring the woods.
View our AGM 2020
We gathered for our AGM online this year on October 19th, 2020. Going through various updates and advancements from over the last year as well as important updates from our new venture, the Nova Scotia Working Woodlands Trust (NSWWT).
Summer Newsletter 2020
Evidently, this summer has been very different than what we’re used to at the MCFC. Like many others, we’re still navigating the new climate of NS forestry, and have been limited in operations due to tightened contractor availability and poor markets.
Harvest Blocks Open for Comment - August 2020
We have new harvest blocks up for comment on the Province’s Harvest Plan Map Viewer (HPMV). They will be open for comment until September 13th, and we encourage our members, and members of the community to provide feedback.
Pre-Commercial Thinning Tender
The MCFC is seeking bids for pre-commercial thinning work on our Crown license area. We have 84 hectares to be treated in total, all within 15min of Highway 8, adjacent to the communities of Kempt, Maitland Bridge and South Milford.
We're Hiring!
Applications are now closed - thanks to all that applied! We’re looking for a summer Community Outreach Intern! Are you passionate about Nova Scotia forestry with a knowledge of design, marketing and outreach? We’d love to have you join us this summer.
Winter Newsletter 2020
Greetings from the depths of winter! If you can believe it, the MCFC signed our original pilot project agreement 5 years ago, on January 31, 2015. Whether you're new to the MCFC or a long-time supporter, have a look back on our early days on the website as a great reminder of how far we've come.
Fall 2019 Newsletter
We’ve been very busy this fall speaking, hosting and participating in numerous conferences and events. In October, we sent our General Manager, Mary Jane Rodger to the Land Trust Alliance Rally in Raleigh, North Carolina
A Biodiversity Assessment for the Medway Community Forest
From a desk in downtown Toronto, I write this as I am wrapping up the final few months of a Masters of Forest Conservation program at the University of Toronto, missing the Acadian forest and rural Nova Scotian lifestyle. It’s one thing to study what you love at a computer, in the classroom, on field trips and in labs, but another to be fully inundated day after day, watching the forest change with the season.
Harvest Blocks Open for Comment
It’s been awhile, but we have new harvest blocks up for comment on the Province’s Harvest Plan Map Viewer (HPMV). They will be open for comment until November 30, and we encourage our members, and members of the community to provide feedback.
Meeting our Mentors
After departing university and plunging into a career, I find there are only so many chances to meet with those you might consider experts or ‘gurus’ in your field. Luckily, last month we had the opportunity to host a leader in Acadian forest silviculture, Dr. Robert Seymour.
A Silent Season for the MCFC
According to a study released by Avian Conservation and Ecology is estimated that between 616 thousand to 2.09 million nests are destroyed by industrial forest harvesting during bird breeding season in Canada per year.
Spring Newsletter 2019
Thank you to all our new members who responded to our membership drive last month. We’ll be sending out your certificates very shortly. If you’re not yet a member, you can join anytime on our website. Remember, the more members we have the more influential we can be in promoting ecological forestry for Nova Scotia.
Winter Newsletter 2019
We hope everyone had a happy and relaxing holiday and we wish you a productive start to 2019. This year has already been a busy one for us, as we build a preliminary 5-year business plan for the Department of Lands & Forestry. We're looking forward to what 2019 will bring, and see it as a year of big developments for the MCFC and forestry in the province overall.
Fall Newsletter 2018
With the fall now upon us, the MCFC is looking ahead to October and the beginning of the next chapter for our organization. As usual, this summer was quite busy, we hosted numerous events including a wild foods workshop, forest research tour, old growth forest tour and of course, our forest market and fair.