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Intro to the Forest Series: Fighting Climate Change with Forests - how do we get there?

The Intro to the Forest Series is part of our MCFC Summer Webinar series on ecologically-based forest management and forest stewardship. It’s a great way to learn the basics of ecological forestry, the unique flora found, and how to appreciate and explore the forest.

Having founded the Climate Forest Company, Dale’s mission is to fully deploy the Acadian Forest in the fight against climate change. While using forests to capture and store carbon seems straight forward - just let the trees grow - in practice it is a much more difficult socio-economic nut to crack. Having built the only carbon offset projects in eastern Canada, Dale has experience in the different ways carbon can be monetized to drive better forest management. In addition, Dale has a long history in forestry in NS, having grown up in a family that has been in the logging and saw milling sector for generations. With this in-depth understanding of the opportunities and barriers to implementing carbon capture and storage management in our forests at scale, Dale will explore what he sees as potential paths forward in the sector in the coming years.

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July 28

Forestry Professional's Series: Iknmatimkewe’l Nipuktuk - Gifts from the Forest

August 11

Forestry Professional's Series: The Practical Application of Multi-Use Sustainable Forest Management at Haliburton Forest