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Forestry Professional's Series: The Practical Application of Multi-Use Sustainable Forest Management at Haliburton Forest

The Forestry Professional's Series is part of our MCFC Summer Webinar series on ecologically-based forest management and forest stewardship. In this series, we share the valuable insight and practical knowledge of forestry practitioners, academics and professionals on sustainable forest management and take a deeper dive into these how these forestry practices can be applied.

Malcolm Cockwell is the Managing Director of Haliburton Forest, a multi-use private land stewardship company that operates a wide range of businesses on its 100,000 acre property in central Ontario. He is also a director of Acadian Timber Corp, a leading primary forest products company with operations in New Brunswick and Maine. Malcolm is a Registered Professional Forester in Ontario, and he is involved with the Ontario Forest Industries Association, Forests Ontario, and the Ontario Professional Foresters Association. He holds a B.Sc. in Forest Conservation from the University of Toronto, and is a PhD candidate at the same institution’s Faculty of Forestry, with research interests focused on hardwood silviculture.

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August 5

Intro to the Forest Series: Fighting Climate Change with Forests - how do we get there?

August 16

MCFC Forest Market