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Forestry Professional's Series: Irregular Shelterwood Silviculture in the Acadian Forest - Overview and Application to Nova Scotia

The Forestry Professional's Series is part of our MCFC Summer Webinar series on ecologically-based forest management and forest stewardship. In this series, we share the valuable insight and practical knowledge of forestry practitioners, academics and professionals on sustainable forest management and take a deeper dive into these how these forestry practices can be applied.

Bob Seymour is Professor Emeritus of Silviculture, in the School of Forest Resources at the University of Maine, where he taught courses in silviculture, the ecology and management of the Acadian Forest, and forest stand dynamics for over 30 years, retiring in 2017. He holds a BS in forestry from Ohio State University and an MF and PhD in silviculture from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. He has over 40 years of experience in research and management of forests in the Acadian region of northeastern North America.  He has authored or coauthored over 100 publications and five book chapters on silvicultural subjects.  He is an SAF Fellow and the 2014 recipient of SAF’s Carl Schenck Award for national excellence in forestry education. In 2018 he served on a panel of experts for Nova Scotia’s review of forest practices, authoring white papers on triad forest management, silviculture under ecological forestry, clearcutting, and herbicide use. Since the release of the Lahey Report, he has been working with NS DLF staff to revise the Silvicutlural Guide to the Ecological Matrix based largely on an irregular shelterwood paradigm. Together with his wife, Jessica Leahy (Professor of Human Dimensions on the UMaine SFR faculty), he owns and manages Wicopy Woods, one of only two Forest Stewards Guild Model Forests in Maine, and Maine’s Tree Farm of the Year for 2020, along with seven other woodlots totaling 424 acres in east-central Maine.

We hope to see you there!

To register contact:

June 23

Intro to the Forest Series: Forest Plants - Identification and Species of Interest to Forest Stewards

July 7

Intro to the Forest Series: Backcountry for Beginners – The Safe and Sound Essentials