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Intro to the Forest Series: Forest Plants - Identification and Species of Interest to Forest Stewards

The Intro to the Forest Series is part of our MCFC Summer Webinar series on ecologically-based forest management and forest stewardship. It’s a great way to learn the basics of ecological forestry, the unique flora found, and how to appreciate and explore the forest.

Alain Belliveau is the Irving Biodiversity Collections Manager for the the E.C. Smith Herbarium, K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre for Biodiversity at Acadia University in Wolfville, NS. He manages the E.C. Smith Herbarium, the largest collection of vascular plant specimens in Atlantic Canada. He has collected and contributed records for tens of thousands of vascular plant and lichen occurrences in Atlantic Canada. He has or is currently in the process of authoring or co-authoring several COSEWIC and provincial status reports. Prior to employment at Acadia University, Alain received a Master of Resource and Environmental Management, and worked for several years as a botanist for both the Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre and the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute.

We hope to see you there!

To register contact:

June 16

Forestry Professional's Series: The Why and How of Environmental Assessment of Forest Management on Public Land

June 30

Forestry Professional's Series: Irregular Shelterwood Silviculture in the Acadian Forest - Overview and Application to Nova Scotia