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Forestry Professional's Series: The Why and How of Environmental Assessment of Forest Management on Public Land

The Forestry Professional's Series is part of our MCFC Summer Webinar series on ecologically-based forest management and forest stewardship. In this series, we share the valuable insight and practical knowledge of forestry practitioners, academics and professionals on sustainable forest management and take a deeper dive into these how these forestry practices can be applied.

Peter Duinker is Professor Emeritus in the School for Resource and Environmental Studies at Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Management, and also President and Co-Principal in the consulting firm Sylveritas Ltd. His formal training is in ecology and resource management, but he also engages in work in the social and policy sciences. His scholarship embraces a wide range of topics, most of which deal with forests and the environment. Peter is one of Canada’s leading scholars and practitioners on the topics of sustainable forest management, urban forests, and environmental assessment. He held Lakehead University’s Chair in Forest Management and Policy from 1988 to 1998, served as Research Area Leader for the Sustainable Forest Management Network of Centres of Excellence from 2000 to 2009, and was member, vice-chair, and chair of the CSA Sustainable Forest Management Technical Committee from 2000 to 2015.  Peter has worked closely with governments, companies, and NGOs across Canada on issues related to sustainable rural and urban forest management and policy. One of Peter’s current projects is working with a consulting team to develop a “Guide for Preparing Forest Stewardship Plans” for the NS Department of Lands and Forestry.

We hope to see you there!

To register contact:

June 9

Intro to the Forest Series: Introduction to Ecological Forestry

June 23

Intro to the Forest Series: Forest Plants - Identification and Species of Interest to Forest Stewards